OMNIKEY Card Readers

OMNIKEY readers from HID global are designed to support any smart card for any application on any computer. OMNIKEY devices support all relevant operating systems from all Windows platforms to Linux and Mac OS. Certifications to all relevant industry standards including PC/SC, WHQL, USB CCID, EMV 2000, and Common Criteria ensure world-wide compliance and easy integration in any system.

Conveniently read Contact Smart card ,Emirates ID cards on your PC, Android, Tablets using Omnikey Smart card readers .


omnikey-5421-card reader
Omnikey 5427 CK Contactless reader
Omnikey 3121 smart card reader
Omnikey smart card readers

Supplier of genuine Omnikey smart card readers in Dubai

Yes, selecting the best Omnikey reader for your organisational is quite tricky as the type of Omnikey readers  from HID is vast. If you need best selling Omnikey reader, then the Omnikey 5427 CK, Omnikey 5021 CL or Omnikey 3121 USB reader could be the perfect solution for you. These readers are extremely versatile and portable meaning they suit many environments. Contact IDV Technologies Africa’s experienced sales team to get suitable smart card reader for your needs. Omnikey 3121 is popular for  Emirates id Card applications in .