Tactivo mini for iOSsmart-card-reader-tactivo-mini-for-ios

  • Authentication by smart card or fingerprint
  • Smart card reader for iOS devices and Windows/OS X (mobile and desktop)
  • Wide range of partner apps for easy integration
  • Free toolkit for easy implementation
  • World class support

smart card Fingerprint reader for iOS

Smart card reader
Tactivo mini for iOS is a smart card and fingerprint reader for iPhone and iPad. It enables a wide range of use cases for organizations using smart cards, such as secure e-mail, browsing, document signing and more.

Fingerprint reader for iOS
The fingerprint reader on Tactivo mini for iOS offers a host of other use cases, such as document access & signing and location based time & attendance for employees whose main workplace is out of a regular office. It can even be used for database collection of fingerprints using the functionality for fingerprint image exports. And our free toolkit ensures easy implementation.

Two-factor authentication
Tactivo offers strong security through two-factor authentication using a combination of fingerprint, smart card or PIN-code. The smart card and fingerprint functionality can be used combined or separately.

Desktop Reader
In addition to using it for authentication on mobile devices, Tactivo can be connected to devices running on Windows/OS X for secure authentication using the smart card.

Quality and Compliance
Tactivo mini for iOS is developed in Sweden and manufactured in the US, benefiting from close to 20 years of experience in creating products based on fingerprint technology and smart cards. Tactivo is FIPS 201 compliant, proven by customers around the world and is listed as an approved product of the United States Government. Tactivo can be used in the existing smart card infrastructure. It supports a wide range of smart cards and additional card support is made on request.

Easy app integration
The Precise iOS Toolkit allows developers to implement self-contained authentication or integrate with third-party identity managers and service providers. This enables Tactivo to be used with any app. Get the best deals on Biometric reader for iOS devices from IDVision Tanzania Precise fingerprint readers are best in the market for iOS devices and Windows/OS X both mobile and desktop.